Tuesday 24 July 2012

A. Mashup
Mashup is a web page or application that uses and combines data, presentation or functionality from two or  more sources to create new services. 

The term mashup is also used to describe a remix of digital data.
  • Have an active role in the evolution of social software and Web 2.0
  • Composition tools are usually simple enough to be used by end-users
  • Support visual wiring or GUI widgets, services and components together.

    B. Characteristics of Mashup 
    • Combination 
    • Visualization
    • Aggregation 

    C. Types of Mashup
    • Business (or enterprise) mashups
    Apps that combine their own resources, application and data with other external web services
    • Consumer mashups.
    Combines data from multiple public sources in the browser and organizes it through a browser UI
    • Data mashups
    Combine similar types of media and information from multiple sources into a single representation.

    D. Application programming interface (API)
    API is a specification intended to be used as an interface by software components to communicate with each other

    E. Data API Types
    • Indexed data
    • Cartographic and geographic data:
    • Feeds, podcasts:
    • Data converters:
    • Communication
    • Visual data rendering
    • Security related
    • Editors

    F. Mashup Enabler 
    Mashup Enabler is a tool for transforming incompatible IT resources into a form that allows them to be easily combines to create a mashup.

    o Presto Mashup Connectors
    o Convertigo Web Integrator
    o Caspio Bridge

    G. Data Integration Challenges 

    • Text-data mismatch
    • Object identity and separate schema 
    • Abstraction levels
    • Data quality 

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